Wednesday, March 17, 2021


Reference values Modification

Test code: 125

Effective update from 22/03/2021

Dear collaborators,

Antithyroid autoantibodies appear when a person's immune system attacks proteins or other components of the thyroid gland; This produces a chronic inflammation of the gland (thyroiditis), tissue damage and/or alteration of the function of the gland. Thyroid autoantibodies detect the presence and measure the amount of thyroid-specific autoantibodies.

Anti-thyroglobulin (anti-TG) antibody measurements are used to differentiate subclinical hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism and to aid in the diagnosis of Hashimoto's and Graves' autoimmune diseases affecting the thyroid gland. Furthermore, anti-TG antibodies are detected in 30% –60% of cases of patients with thyroid carcinoma. In such patients, the likelihood of the presence of significant concentrations of anti-TG antibodies should be considered when measuring TG antigen, since the measurement and detection of TG antigen can be influenced by the presence of anti-TG antibodies.

To help in the diagnosis and monitoring of autoimmune thyroid diseases and differentiate them from other forms of thyroid diseases, the manufacturer of this method has reformulated the anti-TG reagent to improve its analytical performance. This assay has been standardized against the WHO international reference standard.

Therefore, reference values ​​of this test will be updated, as follows:


Negative : Less than 60 IU/mL

Version of Test: 11

Negative : Less than 1.3 IU/mL   

Presence of autoimmune thyroid disease:     
Greater or equal to 4.5 IU/mL

Version of Test: 12

   Find the record of the test by clicking here

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