Test code: 2772
Mnemonic code: HEXA
Effective update from 12/06/2023
Effective update from 12/06/2023
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Method: Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry Reference Values: Less 32 µmol/g creatinine * Fuente: PNT, Insert Version of Test: 5 | Method: Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) Reference Values: 1.8 - 26.5 µmol/g creatinine * Source:: Erdogan E, Nelson GJ, Rockwood AL, Frank El (2010) Evaluation of reference intervals for methylmalonic acid in plasma /serum and urine. Clin Chim Acta 411 (21-22): 1827-9 ) Version of Test: 6 |
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National: Sample: Frozen serum Transoceanic: Sample: Frozen serum Units: µg/mL Reference Values: THERAPEUTIC LEVELS: 1 - 2.5 µg/mL TOXICITY LEVEL: Greater than 2.5 µg/mL Version of Test: 10 | Nacional: Sample: Refrigerated serum Transoceanic: Sample: Frozen serum Units: mg/L Reference Values: Therapeutic interval:0.5 - 2.0 mg/L Toxicity: Greater than 2.5 mg/L LoQ: 0.2 mg/L Source: M. Schulz, A. Schmoldt, H. Andresen-Streichert, S. Iwersen-Bergmann. Revisited: Therapeutic and toxic blood concentrations of more than 1,100 drugs and other xenobiotics. Critical Care 2020 *Reminder about sample type: Send refrigerated / frozen serum sample as appropriate in tube without agar. Version of Test: 11 |
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Ion Exchange Chromatography Version of Test: 6 | Spectrometry Version of Test: 7 |
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Method: Enzyme Immunoassay Version of Test: 5 | Method: Chemiluminescence Version of Test: 6 |
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CHROMOSOME 14 · IGH (14q32) · FISH TISSUE Version of Test: 32 | BIOMARKERS IN SOLID TUMORS · IGH(14q32) · FISH Version of Test: 33 |
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Less than 6.0 U/L Version of Test: 12 | Less than 11.3 U/L Version of Test: 13 |
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New Test in NOÛS Catalog
Test Code: 9851
Sample: Serum (2 ml) Conservation: Refrigerated Method: Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) Set Up Days: Daily Delivery term: 6 daysFind the record of the test by clicking here
Method: High Performance Liquid Chromatography Units: R1- Excretion mg/24h R2- Concentration mg/L Reference values: Less than 4 mg/24h Version of Test: 22 | Method: Enzyme immunoassay Units: R1- Excretion µg/24h R2- Concentration µg/L Reference values: Less than 100 µg/24h Version of Test: 23 |
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Less than 5 mg/dL * Source: PNT, Insert Version of Test: 5 | Less than 0.25 mg/dL * Source: Inmunoglobulins of Normal Human Urine and Urethal Secretions D.W.Burdon Immunology, 1971, 21, 363 Version of Test: 6 |
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Method: Enzyme Immunoassay Reference Values: 165 - 540 pg/minute Delivery term: 25 days Version of Test: 9 | Method: Radioimmunoassay Reference Values: 175 - 540 pg/minute Delivery term: 30 days Version of Test: 10 |
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