Monday, July 15, 2024


Method and Reference values Modification

Test code: 6012
Mnemonic: TIOS

Effective update from 22/07/2024


Method: Ion Exchange Chromatography

Reference Values:        
Non smokers : Less than 2 mg/L
Smokers : Less than 10 mg/L
B.E.I: 20 mg/L


Version of Test: 3

Method: Spectrophotometry       
Reference Values:        
Non smokers: 1-4 mg/L
Smokers: 3-12 mg/L
Therapeutic values Nitroprusside: 5-30 mg/L
Toxicity Nitroprusside: >35 mg/L  

Source:  M. Schulz, A. Schmoldt, H. Andresen-Streichert, S. Iwersen-Bergmann. Revisited: Therapeutic and toxic blood concentrations of more than 1,100 drugs and other xenobiotics. Critical Care 2020 
Version of Test: 4

   Find the record of the test by clicking here

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