Thursday, July 11, 2024


 Sample, Result format amb Reference values Modification

Test code: 6056
Previous mnemonic code: TIOC
New mnemonic code: TIOOC

Effective update from 22/07/2024



Sample: End of day urine
Result format:
R1  mg/g creatinine
R2 mg/L

Reference values:
Non-smokers: Less than 2.5 mg/g creatinine
Smokers (One package): 10 mg/g creatinine
B.E.I.(F.T.): 20 mg/g creatinine

Version of Test: 8

Sample: Urine         
Result format:
R1 mg/L         

Reference Values:
Non-smokers: 1-4 mg/L
Smokers: 7-17 mg/L

Source: Disposition of Toxic Drugs and Chemicals in Man; Ninth Edition. Autor: Ph.d. Baselt, Randall C.

Version of Test: 9

   Find the record of the test by clicking here

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